Scoreboard – Regional event 2012

Please note that only the first 50 results are displayed below, regardless of the actual number of contestants.
Rank Name Points
1 Nicolas16 373,716
2 candide 365,744
3 smeagol 359,052
4 blackbeans 355,584
5 Simon M 351,880
6 Bajac 345,520
7 Shloub 340,692
8 meteor2_c 335,872
9 jerome_n 335,104
10 Rafbill 327,696
11 ayoub sbai 314,265
12 FKint 312,784
13 poubd 279,551
14 thomash 278,528
15 MockingHawk 277,504
16 paintkiller 266,724
17 hugo_pm 262,144
17 (ex-aequo) faremy 262,144
17 (ex-aequo) typedefmeint 262,144
20 Nico-lb 252,080
21 clemm3 248,421
22 istu5 233,472
23 clemm1 232,784
24 FlavRay 232,476
25 yoch 231,428
26 LaggyMan 230,609
27 antonin-peronnet 230,400
28 vins 229,392
29 loan_tricot 229,376
30 Neolink 225,280
31 alex3er 214,482
32 clemm2 214,352
33 amranium 212,736
34 Lovasoa 206,592
35 MathX 203,424
36 XeR 197,994
37 Shaac 197,076
38 Thomas_94 192,848
39 Jajoe 192,528
40 theot 179,712
41 mrjingjie 172,096
42 spider-mario 166,619
43 neronatac 161,971
44 victora914 161,728
45 wargor 155,648
46 hu9o 148,400
47 M-killer 147,476
48 Neness55 137,492
49 gdc28 131,072
50 fondation 126,996