Le but est d'être hors-sujet dans un topic qui a pour but d'être hors-sujet.
Donc le sujet de ce topic est l'hors-sujet.
Le but est donc d'être hors-(hors-sujet).
Donc d'être dans le sujet.
C'est-à-dire dans le hors-sujet.
Je tourne en boucle.
C'est un paradoxe.

PS : Je ne garantis pas l'authenticité de ce raisonnement.

Edit : On peut également considérer que le topic n'a pas de sujets, auquel cas tous les messages sont hors-sujet.

Vu qu'il ne faut que des hors-sujets, il est interdit d'amener un sujet donc.
Or quand on écrit, on parle forcément d'un sujet, en l'occurence du hors-sujet...

A moins qu'on considère qu'un sujet n'est pas amené si personne ne le suit. Autrement dit il faut toujours parler de quelque chose de différent que ce dont a parlé la personne au-dessus de nous.

Je commence : ne parlons pas de l'activité actuelle de la scène des natures mortes représentant des Cucumis sativus et peintes par les pointillistes de Nouvelle-Calédonie.

Surrealism and neostructuralist nihilism
David Dahmus
Department of Semiotics, Carnegie-Mellon University

1. Cultural feminism and Marxist socialism

« Class is fundamentally elitist, » says Foucault; however, according to Bailey[1] , it is not so much class that is fundamentally elitist, but rather the futility, and subsequent rubicon, of class. The subject is contextualised into a surrealism that includes art as a totality.

In a sense, Marx uses the term 'neostructuralist nihilism' to denote not, in fact, discourse, but neodiscourse. In Beverly Hills 90210, Spelling denies surrealism; in Robin's Hoods he reiterates Marxist socialism.

However, the subject is interpolated into a neostructuralist nihilism that includes reality as a reality. Lacan suggests the use of surrealism to attack and read consciousness.

Therefore, the ground/figure distinction which is a central theme of Spelling's Models, Inc. emerges again in Beverly Hills 90210, although in a more self-falsifying sense. The premise of Marxist socialism states that context is a product of the collective unconscious.

2. Spelling and precapitalist libertarianism

If one examines Marxist socialism, one is faced with a choice: either accept Sontagist camp or conclude that the task of the observer is significant form. Thus, the primary theme of the works of Spelling is the failure, and therefore the meaninglessness, of deconstructivist sexual identity. If Marxist socialism holds, we have to choose between surrealism and postdialectic conceptual theory.

« Truth is part of the rubicon of sexuality, » says Lyotard; however, according to Long[2] , it is not so much truth that is part of the rubicon of sexuality, but rather the failure, and eventually the genre, of truth. But Bataille's analysis of Sontagist camp holds that government is capable of significance. Any number of theories concerning not discourse, as Marxist socialism suggests, but postdiscourse exist.

The main theme of la Fournier's[3] essay on neostructuralist nihilism is the common ground between sexual identity and class. In a sense, McElwaine[4] implies that we have to choose between Batailleist `powerful communication' and the neostructural paradigm of consensus. Several narratives concerning surrealism may be discovered.

However, Sartre promotes the use of neostructuralist nihilism to challenge the status quo. An abundance of theories concerning the role of the writer as participant exist.

It could be said that the subject is contextualised into a Marxist socialism that includes art as a whole. Several dematerialisms concerning constructivist substructural theory may be found.

In a sense, if neostructuralist nihilism holds, the works of Spelling are reminiscent of Gibson. Lacan suggests the use of Marxist socialism to analyse sexual identity.

It could be said that the example of neostructuralist nihilism depicted in Spelling's Robin's Hoods is also evident in Charmed. Sargeant[5] suggests that we have to choose between dialectic narrative and the presemioticist paradigm of context.

Thus, the subject is interpolated into a neostructuralist nihilism that includes reality as a totality. If cultural nationalism holds, we have to choose between Marxist socialism and neodialectic cultural theory.

1. Bailey, P. J. I. (1985) The Forgotten Key: Surrealism in the works of Spelling. Yale University Press

2. Long, S. ed. (1978) Neostructuralist nihilism and surrealism. University of North Carolina Press

3. la Fournier, U. N. (1990) Reading Sartre: Surrealism, capitalist deappropriation and capitalism. Panic Button Books

4. McElwaine, S. Q. Z. ed. (1977) Surrealism in the works of Mapplethorpe. And/Or Press

5. Sargeant, H. (1983) Realities of Stasis: Surrealism in the works of Pynchon. Schlangekraft

Plus d'info : http://www.elsewhere.org/pomo/ (le plus intéressant c'est la note de fin)

Soki okomi penepene nabiso, okobanda kolobaka nayomoko.
Nantango ngai nakotuna yo boye :
- Semeki, ozali kokende wapi nambango boye ? Yo okonganga namongongo makasi :
"Nakei koyebisa mama te tata aboti bana misato." Ngai nakowela yo mpe bato bakokata likambo.
Bayokani bongo, Mboloko azongi namotema boboto namboka naye. Ntango ekomi nangonga zomi namibale bampaka basambisi mpe bayei kofanda nase yanzete monene, nakati yamboka.
Mabota mibale ezalaki wana : oyo yaNkoi na oyo yaMboloko.
Bamikolo balingi bakata likambo boye, bamoni Esende azali koleka, akoyemba mpe akolobaka nayemoko :
- Esengo kani ! familiya nabiso ekomi nabana misato yasika, mpe mama nabango nde tata !
Mboloko atelemi nakati yabato mpe abengi Esende, atuni ye :
- Moninga nangai, okei wapi nantango boye, mpe okolobaka nini yomoko ?
- Nazali kokima mbango, Esende ayanoli, koyebisa mama te tata aboti bana misato.
Esende alobi bongo, bato yoso bakweyi namabele, bakamwi !
- Bomoni, Mboloko alandi, bozalaki kokamata ngai lokola moyibi, kasi babali mingi babotaka, lokola lelo tata yaEsende.
Bato yoso bafandi nye, eloko yakoloba ezalaki lisusu te. Mpe basambisi bazalaki kolobana bango nabango te :
- Tozali koluka nini lisusu, makambo esi ekatani yango-moko. Lokola tata yaEsende aboti bana lelo, ezali kaka solo te : bana bangulu yaMboloko bazali mpe bana bangulu naye yamobali.
Bato yoso balongwi na kokamwa, mpo bayokaki makambo bayoka naino te, uta babota bango.
Uta mokolo wana, Mboloko na Nkoi bakutanaka mpe balinganaka lisusu te, tee lelo oyo.

[HRP]Ceci est le meilleur exemple d'HS, je ne connais pas le sujet or je ne peux pas être hors d'un sujet inconnu je suis donc dedans.
Le but étant d'être hors sujet par rapport au sujet qui est d'être hors sujet je remplis parfaitement les conditions!

C'est très drôle, les messages d'epsilon012 et de roket ressemblent beaucoup à des messages de bots (il manque juste un lien à celui de roket)... Chapeau les gars !

Tu parles merveilleusement le swahilien, me dit google translate !

אבער וואָס טוט איר ווילן? עס ס נאָר מיסט!


Il n'empêche, google translate en malaisien->français ne donne rien.
Pour mon dernier message, j'avoue, il a mal été traduit si j'essaie l'inverse ... Le souci, c'est que j'ai oublié ce que je voulais mettre !

ორმოცი-ორ ! (traduction repatouillée pour que ça donne bien en traduction inverse)

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